英文電子報 2004-04-26


On April 17, Dr. Feng Chao-kang, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, led exchange students and foreign students to visit central Taiwan, bringing them a great scenic and cultural travel. 42 persons including teachers and students participated in this two-day-and-one-night activity. They visited Lukang Tienhou Temple, Chi-Chi Train Station Museum and Wuchang Relics of Sept. 21 Earthquake. All of them were impressed a lot by these Taiwan local cultures.

Coming from Charles University, the Czech Republic, Tana Dluhosova, who has excellent Chinese ability, had been to Lukang this winter vacation. This was her second visit to Lukang. “I like Lukang very much,” she said with her fluent Chinese, “It is a city that has its own taste and characteristics.”

Mikami Yuya, coming from Chuo Gakuin University of Japan, was impressed a lot by Puli Winery Factory and Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. At Puli Winery Factory, he tried many different kinds of wines for free, and then he went to Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village playing UFO (a game of free fall from 85 meters) that really made him feel excited. During the interview, Mikami Yuya lively imitated vomiting-like reaction resulted from the sudden drop of the free fall, and Okuyama Takashi nearby even disclosed that Mikami Yuya was scared to cry when he played UFO. Okuyama Takashi also showed some dance learned from aboriginal people.

The Office of International Exchanges and International Education held such kind of activity for the first time, and it not only offered a chance for these exchange and foreign students to experience Taiwan culture, but also made them feel more close and harmonious with one another.

NO.571 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1332 | 下載:

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