英文電子報 2005-04-06


To solve the serious traffic problem near the north side-gate at Ta-chung Street, Professor Jeng Hoang-ell of Department of Architecture proposed three schemes to school authority on last Wednesday (March 30). In the briefing, school administration discussed the problem and the proposals. Founder Dr. Clement Chang decided to have an underground passage built between the entrance to Chih Nan Bus Stop and the north side-gate.

The loop section of Ta-chung Street is one of ten most dangerous traffic sections on Tamsui campus. During the traffic peak, pedestrians often conflict with vehicles on the road. The first proposal by Professor Jeng is to close the bus entrance near Li Cheh Dormitory and replace it with zebra crossing. The second scheme is to set sky bridge to connect the bus stop and TKU campus. The third is to build underpass between the entrance to the bus stop and the side gate.

Founder Chang indicated in the briefing that though building underpass is the most expensive resort, it is the best one to safeguard the students and to maintain the beauty of TKU landscape. Office of General Affairs has related proposal to deal with the problem of the overlapping of the pedestrian’s and the vehicle’s moving direction, such as separating the passage for pedestrians from that for vehicles and setting up vehicle-only passage. The construction is to be proceeded in the summer vacation this year. (~ Chi-szu Chen )

NO.603 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1673 | 下載:

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