英文電子報 2006-05-08


TKU President, Dr. Flora Chang, and her entourage touched down in four different European countries during their 12 day trip, visiting five universities, which all have a long, unique history. These universities are University of Edinburgh and Bristol University in the UK, Charles University of Prague in the Czech Republic, University of Budapest in Hungary and the University of Vienna in Austria.

Dr Chang was particularly appreciative of the warm reception she was given by each university, who in turn all expressed sincere willingness to either continue or establish bilateral academic exchanges with Tamkang. TKU is particularly keen on the possible or existing ties with three of the universities—University of Edinburgh, Bristol University and University of Vienna—which are among the oldest universities and the top 20 institutes in Europe.

Her reception at the University of Vienna (UV) was highlighted by the signing ceremony with its President, Professor Winckler, ensuring a continuation and expansion of a longstanding partnership. One exchange that will materialize soon is the possibility of some students from the Center for Sinology of the UV coming to TKU in the summer for Chinese classes, as promised by Professor Trappl, the Director of the Center. The ceremony was also attended by dignitaries from Taiwan’s representative offices in Vienna, who invited Dr. Chang, Professor Winckler and Professor Ebenbauer for dinner later that day. Both professors have been to Taiwan, while Prof. Ebenbauer has been to TKU several times already. In fact, Professor Winckler has been to Taiwan at least 45 times, but never made it to Tamkang.! Hence, Dr. Chang urged him to make his 46th trip to Taiwan a first trip to Tamkang. During this stop, Dr. Chang also managed to meet with TKU’s alumni in Austria.

In her stop at the 600 years old Charles University in Prague, Dr. Chang was received by its new President, Prof. Hampl, with whom she discussed the exchange programs that have already existed and some future expansion. TKU have had several students studying at this one of the most beautiful cities in Europe for a number of years.

Dr. Chang visit to the Corvinus University in Budapest was equally fruitful. She was entertained by the President, Prof. Meszaros with a dinner banquet, attended by its Vice President for the Academic Affairs, Prof. Hrubos, and other directors of related organizations. Prof. Zalai, the former president and the current professor of the Department of Mathematics and Economics, who has been invited to TKU a few times, was also there. He is very fond of Tamkang and would love to return should the opportunity arise. Dr. Feng Chao-kang was very impressed by the university’s programs at their International Student Center where they offer classes in English for foreign students. Ph.D and Masters Degrees can be awarded by some of the programs.

Dr. Chang and her team’s trip to the UK took them to Bristol University in the south of England and the University of Edinburgh, which is in Scotland. At Bristol, Dr. Chang visited its newly inaugurated Center for the East Asian Studies, where she met with the director of the center, discussing possible exchanges. For more exchanges, she also spoke with the directors of the School of Liberal Arts and International Offices, exploring the prospect of cooperation. Finally, Dr. Chang invited and was accepted by Dr. Thomas, the President of the university to visit TKU at the beginning of next year.

The last university, University of Edinburgh, was established in the 1500’s and is situated in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, a vast of land that is bordered to northern England. Its President, Prof. O’shea met with Dr. Chang and Vice President, Dr. Feng in Shanghai last September and was left with a favorable impression of both Drs. Chang and Feng. Hence, Prof. O’shea explained the university’s history and future vision showed Dr. Chang and her entourage the historical campus and city center personally. Everyone was impressed by its unique architecture and history.

NO.643 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1690 | 下載:

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