英文電子報 2008-05-19


"TKUspecial," TKU’s representative cheering team, won the champion and 50,000 NT dollars award in “Taiwan Runs Cheering Team Competition” hosted by YAHOO, in Taichung, on May 11. They won the judgments’ appraisals with their energetic performance.

Participants of this creative cheering team competition have to pass the web selection before joining in the final competition in Taichung. Our school won the champion and the high bonus through the intense competition. “TKUspecial” was composed by nine students, who works part-time in Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section. In the primary selection, they chose “spring up energy, challenge the limit” as their theme and up-load photos of their cheering team to the website. In the selection on the net, they defeated hundred of teams and obtain the 8th place, entering the first ten groups. In the final competition, they beat other 9 groups and took the first place with their neat costume and the creative performance in Yuan-Man outdoors square in Taichung.

The cheer leader Hsieh Wei-fan, senior of the Department of Accounting, said “I feel really happy that we can obtain the champion, for we not only take the bonus but also publicize for Tamkang University.” He also indicates that the reason why they choose “TKUspecial” as the name is that they make Tamkang University as a starting point and add ‘special’ to emphasize their creative ideas. They spend three weeks to rehearse the dance and the team shouts. In the day of competition, they change their dance steps. All of them feel nervous, they were afraid they might confuse their steps. Fortunately, they smoothly complete the performance. Each of them felt released and tasted the sweet fruit of victory. ( ~Jaime Liu)

NO.716 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1924 | 下載:

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