英文電子報 2009-05-18


TKU’s College of International Studies invited the Taipei County Magistrate Hsi-Wei Chou to give a lecture on May 14. His lecture was about “Taipei County's Prospects and Challenges.” Before his lecture, he led all department chairs of his government to meet President Flora C. I. Chang at Ching-sheng International Conference Hall for a discussion. Hsi-Wei Chou congratulated TKU for the NQ Award and praised TKU to have been the best loved private university for 12 years in a row. Those were the achievements of faculty who had devoted themselves to teaching and students who were seriously engaged in studies. “Entering TKU, I can feel the beautiful environment and good atmosphere of study,” said Magistrate Chou. During the discussion, he pointed out that his government would try to improve the transportation situation and hygiene conditions of small restaurants around TKU. President Chang responded, “I’m glad that Magistrate Chou and the municipal department chairs can find time in your busy schedules to visit TKU. I believe our discussion will help promote new progress of both TKU and Taipei County.” Afterwards, Magistrate Chou shared experiences with lecture participants in 6 areas such as “Taipei County’s Promotion to a Metropolis,” “International Metropolis,” “Language Education,” “Innovation Strategies,” “Public Security,” etc. ( ~Dean X. Wang )

NO.752 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1784 | 下載:

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