英文電子報 2010-03-15


Under the guideline of “the three dimensions and the five aspects of education,” the student club activities are regarded as important learning activities, and “service learning” is one of its practice items. Series of “service learning” practices are engaged this week. On March 15, “2010 Joint Charity Sales of Northern Universities” took place in poster street, while Human Animal Care Club offered charity sales of potted plants beside the library. Since March 18, Photo Club has exhibited and selling the works of club members in Heng Chong Art Gallery.

The “2010 Joint Charity Sales of Northern Universities” was organized by Student Association of Business Management. Releasing hundred of balloons, the opening ceremony, hosted by Dr. Kao Po-yuan, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, was launched at noon. During the ceremony, 100 “lucky bags” were given away for participants. In the afternoon, the charity sales got started, selling stockings and T-shirts with autographs of celebrities, and miscellaneous items.

In addition, blood donation activities took place in front of the Activity Center in March 17 and 18. Those who donate their blood were offered with of Duroyal ice-cream cones.

Student Association of Business Management has invited more than 300 stores, including Hsin Tongyang and Lipton, to donate items for the charity sales. All the income will be given to charity organizations, including Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders, and DDM Social Welfare and Charity Foundation. The discount coupons for haircut, which were highly welcomed by students last year, are offered by 10 noted barber shops, including The One, Pure, La Vie, Endlessness, and SKING, MINT. With this discount coupon, one can enjoy the 300 NT haircut service with only 80 NT dollars. The first 20 participants will won free chances of haircut and souvenirs. Those who have spent more than 300 NT dollars will have the chance for lottery. The bonus includes digital cameras. The charity sales will be moved to Lanyang campus next week, from March 22 to 26.

The charity sales of potted plants, offered by Human Animal Care Club, took place beside the library, from Monday to Friday. The sale items including cute potted plants, and item donated by pet shops. Lee Wen-ling, junior of Dept. of English, leader of the club, indicates that “through this activity we invite schoolmates to care for animals, since the income will be given to Stray Animal’s Home, Life Conservationist Association, and other private animal care centers.”

Photo Club will hold an exhibition, “Freeze It - Talk to U,” in Heng Chong Art Gallery until March 18. 85 photographic works by club members are selected by Chang Hong-sheng, instructor of the club. In the opening of the exhibition, the Flamenco Dance Club of TKU and the Guitar Club of St John's University have joined to present performances.

Lin Chih-chao, sophomore of Dept. of Decision Making, leader of Photography Club, indicated that in the exhibition the club members told stories and expressed their ideas about the world through images. Yang Fan-wen, junior of Dept. of Finance, expressed her feeling about the work, “Tranquility by the Lake,” that as she saw the photo she felt serene as if she was in a fairy land. Chang Min-chu felt proud about the works of her son, Chen Wei-sheng, senior of Dept. of Finance, saying that she was glad to see her son find his own world in photography. Lin Chih-chao added that they expected more people to enjoy their works as well as to join in the charity sales, and that all the income will be donated to Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.779 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1956 | 下載:

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