新聞萬花筒 2010-12-15

The Graduate Institute of the Americas Celebrates Thanksgiving

Each year, on the fourth Thursday of November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. So, too, does the TKU Graduate Institute of the Americas. This year, on the 25th of November, the graduate institute held a Thanksgiving Day dinner, and invited department students and faculty to come together for an authentic Thanksgiving.

As the event began, three huge trays were brought out. Atop the trays were three crispy, golden-brown turkeys. Department of Economics Assoc. Prof. David Kleykamp began slicing the turkeys into thick pieces, as students and staff sat by, staring at the turkeys and licking their lips. Apart from turkey, there was also fried rice and cake. Institute Director, Lucy Chen, even prepared “Paloma” drinks, made of tequila, lemon, and soda.

Second year graduate student, Hsieh Yiting, said that this was her first time celebrating Thanksgiving and that she’d never seen such large turkeys before. A Tamkang international PhD student from Panama commented “I’ve taken part in three Thanksgiving dinners at TKU, and each year the activities held are unique and different. But at the same time, the atmosphere of enjoyment and friendly, festive interaction never changes.

NO.805 | 更新時間:2010-12-15 | 點閱:2417 | 下載:

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