英文電子報 2010-12-17

A Morning Concert to Sooth the Soul

In the evening on the 3rd of November, the TKU Guitar Society held a “Ballad Concert” at TKU’s Tamsui Campus. As the sun set and the moon slowly came into view, students huddled together on the steps of Ching Sheng Square, listening to soothing tunes and chatting.

The Office of Student Affairs then also held a concert, this time in the morning. As students and faculty rushed to class with breakfast in hand, a group of amateur TKU musicians – drawn from 15 TKU musical clubs and societies – strummed guitars, beat drums, and sang songs, producing dulcet melodies that calmed the on looking teachers and students. Finance student, Bai Yu-rou, observed that “I thought the concert would be canceled due to the bad weather we’ve been having lately. I didn’t think I’d get the chance to hear this great music so early in the morning. Their performance is really great”.

NO.802 | 更新時間:2010-12-17 | 點閱:2745 | 下載:

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