英文電子報 2011-01-22

A Rocking and Rolling New Year’s Eve

Watching fireworks isn’t the only way to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Last year, on the evening of the 31st, the TKU English Music Society teamed up with a rock n’ roll club from a separate university and performed in a local Tamsui park.

The concert was scarcely publicized, so the bands set up the makeshift stage and unpacked their instruments by themselves. With no audience, they began to play. And play they did. They furiously strummed their guitars and rapped on their drums. They poured energy into the music, and a crowd started to gather.

The Deputy Leader of the TKU English Music Society, Chen Yi-sheng, explained the purpose behind the concert: “We want music to be like dancing. You can dance anywhere, anytime”.

NO.811 | 更新時間:2011-01-22 | 點閱:2851 | 下載:

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