英文電子報 2011-06-10

The TKU Wind and String Instrument Concert

Last Tuesday, the TKU Wind Ensemble Club and String-Instrument Club jointly held an end-of-semester performance. The clubs each played seven musical pieces, including four musical solos performed by members of the Wind Ensemble Club. The club leader, second year Industrial Economics student Chung Jin-feng, asserted that “each year, we organize for our soon-to-be-graduating 4th year members to deliver concertos. It’s become somewhat of a tradition”.

The concertos performed by the Wind Ensemble Club included the Concertino for Marimba and Winds, and Concerto for Alto Saxop, among others.

In the second half of the concert, the String Instrument Club took to the stage to perform a number of classics, including Josef Strauss’ Pizzicato Polka (1870).

At the end of the show, second year Industrial Economics student, Peng Jian-chu, exclaimed “the audience kept clapping to the rhythm of the songs being performed. Everyone got involved in the performances. It was very moving”.

NO.827 | 更新時間:2011-06-10 | 點閱:2354 | 下載:

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