學校要聞 2012-12-03

A Personal Audience with ROC Vice President Wu Den-Yi

Tamkang University recently won a major national award known as the Environmental Award for Taiwanese Enterprises. To further commend and reward the recipients of this year’s award, the members responsible for each enterprise’s environmental policy gained a private audience with the Vice President of Taiwan (ROC), Mr. Wu Den-Yi.

Representing TKU at the meeting was the TKU Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Po-Yuan Kao. While talking to the ROC Vice President, Dr. Kao mentioned that he hopes to have the chance to meet with the other award-winning enterprises, and to exchange opinions and ideas with them on sustainable development.

Dr. Kao explained that TKU focuses not only on implementing environmental policies, but also on maintaining the highest campus safety standards possible. This year, Tamkang will apply for the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification (OHSAS 18001) and will continue to enhance overall campus safety and hygiene standards in order to create a better environment for all students, faculty, and staff.

NO.877 | 更新時間:2012-12-03 | 點閱:1549 | 下載:

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