學校要聞 2012-12-03

Two Major Conferences on Quality

On November 17th, Tamkang University’s Tamsui Campus was home to two major conferences: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society for Quality and the 2012 Symposium on International Quality Management.

The latter was hosted by the President of the Chinese Society for Quality, Dr. Ching Chou Yang, and the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang. It featured an opening speech by the Director General of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Dr. Jay-San Chen; as well as award presentations, special lectures, and thesis presentations. The theme of the symposium was Sustainable Excellence and Innovative Service.

The 48th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society for Quality, on the other hand, involved the handing out of numerous awards and professional licenses, as well as a speech by guest speaker, Dr. Philip Lyons (University of Wisconsin-Stout). UW-Stout won the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2001. The topic of Dr. Lyons’ speech was “UW-Stout’s Planning Process – Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement.”

NO.877 | 更新時間:2012-12-03 | 點閱:1396 | 下載:

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