學校要聞 2012-12-13

TKU Shares its Experience in Quality Management

On November 27, 2012, nine enterprises and universities came to TKU’s Tamsui Campus. They came to learn about Tamkang Universities experience in Total Quality Management (TQM); about the steps it took to win the 2009 National Quality Award; and about the current status and implementation of quality management at Tamkang.

The visiting group consisted of 47 people from various companies and universities, including China trust Life, the Bioteque Corporation, National Tsinghua University, and the Chinese Culture University. On arrival, the guests were greeted by TKU President Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang and senior staff from various administrative departments.

Together, they took part in an informal discussion; heard opening remarks from President Chang; listened to a report on TKU’s quality management strategies and results; and toured the TKU Memorial Library and the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center.

During the open discussion, President Chang shared TKU’s experience in applying for the national quality award and described some of the challenges Tamkang overcame along the way.

NO.878 | 更新時間:2012-12-13 | 點閱:1481 | 下載:

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