學校要聞 2012-12-13

A Hat Trick of Golden Horses

The Taiwanese equivalent of the Oscars is known as the Golden Horse Film Awards. The Golden Horse Award Ceremony draws top movie stars from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and many other Asian countries.

This year, the queen of the golden horses was TKU Department of French alumna, Gwei Lun-mei (right picture), who received the golden horse for “Best Actress” for her role in the popular movie “Girlfriend, Boyfriend”. Alain Monier, an associate professor in the TKU Department of French, recalled how Gwei Lun-mei was always very friendly and hardworking during her days at TKU. “She was always a diligent student who never missed class”, he said.

Other TKU alumni to receive Golden Horse awards this year include Yang Ya-che, who graduated from the TKU Department of Mass Communication; and Chen Bao-Hsu (also from the Department of Mass Communication.)

NO.878 | 更新時間:2012-12-13 | 點閱:1623 | 下載:

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