學校要聞 2013-04-09

Vowing to Maintain Moral Integrity

The Office of Student Affairs will this year hold various activities to promote the TKU “Year of Moral Integrity”. One such event was the opening ceremony of the Tamkang “Moral Integrity and Culture Week”, held on March 18 at the TKU Fu Yuan Garden.

It was hosted by the President of TKU, but all senior staff took part, including the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Po-yuan Kao, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Ko Chih-en. The ceremony encouraged students to serve as role models for the community. Students made vows, pledging to serve as examples of positive moral conduct; to show temperance and discipline; to be filial and to respect their elders; to respect all forms of life; to create a clean environment and maintain a pure heart; to be grateful; to live by the TKU school motto (simplicity truthfulness, firmness, perseverance); to be fair and just; to care and be kind to others; and to be responsible, upstanding citizens.

Students also crafted a “train track of moral integrity” (made of paper), which winds through the campus and has “train stations” named after moral values. Moreover, the organizing body, the Office of Student Affairs, has set up a Facebook fan page called “students have morals; Tamkang has integrity”.

NO.889 | 更新時間:2013-04-09 | 點閱:1490 | 下載:

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