英文電子報 2002-12-16


An 11-member Educational Delegation led by Tamkang University (TKU) President Dr. Chang Horng-jinh left Taipei for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Dec. 13 for a five-day visit.

In order to lure more overseas Chinese students to pursue their study in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China has consigned TKU and other 10 universities to sponsor the 2002 Exhibition on the Current Situation of the Nationwide Universities and Colleges of Taiwan in the greater Malaysian Area and a Guidance Explanation for those who will pursue their study in Taiwan.

TKU and other 10 universities and colleges were chosen by the MOE for their outstanding performance on overseas Chinese students guidance. The exhibition was held in Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 13-16. TKU has been cited several times by the MOE for its outstanding performance on overseas Chinese students guidance in the past years. TKU, under the consignation of the MOE, has sponsored a seminar for nationwide overseas Chinese students recently and now the MOE has assigned TKU to sponsor such a significant gathering in Kuala Lumpur. This indicated that TKU’s efforts have been confirmed by the MOE again.

TKU Alumni Association in Malaysia played host at a welcoming party in honor of Dr. Chang at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 15. More than 100 TKU alumni attended the dinner party. The Alumni Association presented a memorial gift to Dr. Chang and instead, Dr. Chang presented a “Dragon-Horse china vase” as a token to Yeh Chih-hung, President of TKU Alumni Association in Malaysia. VIPs invited to the party included Wu Wen-ya, ROC Representative in Malaysia, Chen Chih-cheng, President of the Association for those overseas Chinese students who have studied in Taiwan. During the lunch, TKU briefing and a briefing on the guidance of overseas Chinese students in TKU were shown. TKU alumni have lauded for TKU progress.

NO.522 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1154 | 下載:

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