學校要聞 2014-01-07

The International Students Head to Nantou For the Care-Travel Activity

【Reported by Tian-ran Xia, Tamkang Times】On December 14th the Head of the International and Mainland Guidance Section, Pei-fen Chen, lead 40 international students to Nantou for the “Homes of Light and Love” care-travel activity. The Head of the Homes of Light and Love organization, Xiu-yu Fang, expressed his gratitude, “It was an excellent show. Thank you for bringing such a lovely performance!” The international students said that this was a completely new experience for them. It was quite moving for them to be able to travel such a great distance to put on a show for the elderly. After the international students introduced themselves, they put on a two hour show including dancing, singing, a lion dance and the diabolo. The music in the air warmed the atmosphere and got the audience enthusiastically participating. Four-year student of the Department of Transportation and Management, Kai Lin Huang, stated, “This is such a meaningful activity. In the future I plan to do more events like this.”

NO.917 | 更新時間:2014-01-07 | 點閱:934 | 下載:

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