學聲大代誌 2014-01-10

The Student Committee Takes a Research Field Trip to The Executive Yuan

【Reported by Yi-feng Lu, Tamkang Times】On December 27th the student committee held the, “Procedure Research Camp,” lead by the head of the student committee,Yan-fu Chen and third-year student of the history department, Cheng-han Wu. This student organization went to the Legislative Yuan to observe and learn the procedures that take place in the Taipei City government office. They took this trip independant of Tamkang University in promotion of the concept of autonomous student group activities. They obtained first hand experience as they witnessed the processes involved in the Taipei City Government’s Civil Administration Branch, including a live interrogation.

In the evening on the 27th, assistant professor of the Graduate Institute of European Studies, Chin-mo Chen, spoke on the Separation of Powers. He described the systems of Judicial Power, Executive Power and Legislative power while encouraging students to look for areas in the system that were unreasonable. He mentioned, “Through challenging the flaws in today’s design, we can become a stronger society for tomorrow.” Yan-fu Chen stated, “In today’s Procedure Research Camp we were able to closely observe the policies of the Taipei City government and also received a thorough explanation of the operating systems involved. We saw how things are developed and improved through cooperation and critical thinking. The participants of this camp really received a rare learning opportunity.”

NO.918 | 更新時間:2014-01-10 | 點閱:857 | 下載:

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