學聲大代誌 2014-03-04

Accredited Student Group Classes Begin With Magic Curriculum

【Reported by Yi-feng Lu, Tamkang Times】It’s the start of the new semester and accredited student group classes have begun. This is the third year of accredited student group classes and the first class was lead by TA’s with the theme of magic in the universe as a means illustration. This class activity used a game-like format to make students memorize and describe all of the student groups. .

The North Star TA and Supervisor, Zhi-rong Ye, stated, “In this class we were able to learn a lot of information that you could never get from a book, which is the reason TKU graduates are continually listed among the favorite employees of large enterprises.” First-year Chinese student and first time participant in the accredited student groups, Ying-jun Guo, said that the activity was very interesting and a lot of fun. She stated, “ The method that they use to teach is very energizing and active. But I think some of the questions were a little too easy. I recommend they make it more difficult.”

NO.921 | 更新時間:2014-03-04 | 點閱:1023 | 下載:

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