學校要聞 2014-03-07

Shouying Hsu’s Opens a Class That Fills Immediately

【Reported by Jing-ya Su, Xue-yi Wu, Jia-yun Cai, Ya-ting Li, Yu-pin Lin, Tamkang Times】This semester really has begun with a bang. Former Golden Eagle Award winner, Maggie Shouyiing Hsu, has returned to Tamkang University to begin a new class. She is a certified Project Management Institute instructor and has multiple international management licenses. She has worked together with the College of Engineering to design a specialized management curriculum. A class like this would normally cost about 30,000 to take in the business world. Third-year physics student You-zhi Yan stated, “Initially I heard that a lot of people recommended this course. Then I did a search online and found out the teacher was amazing. So I signed right up.” There were a lot of students that couldn’t sign up because the class was full, but they still came to listen in on the lecture. Third-year Business and Management student, Jia-de Lin, stated, “I joined cause I wanted to improve my English ability. When I heard that the instructor was donating the funds for this class to help homeless animals, I was really moved.”

Professor of the Department of Industrial Economics, Ming-hang Chuang, designed a Property Management course that introduces the benefits and risks of property management both nationally and internationally. Fourth-year student from the Department of International Business Management, Yi-fan Chen, stated, “The professor has a lot of information about the world and an abundance of real life experience. Not only does the professor understand the modern market, but also calculates the future trends of possible change. It was really helpful.”

Chinese Language and Speech professor from the College of Liberal Arts, Wen-Peng Chou, opened a Forest Ecology and Protection course that was very popular among the students. Wen-peng Chou happily expressed to the students, “We will continue to plan out exciting content and activities. I expect that everyone will have a terrific time studying the beauty of our ecosystem.”

NO.922 | 更新時間:2014-03-07 | 點閱:1146 | 下載:

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