【Tamkang Times】In the month of March Tamkang University’s Study and Service group will be taking trips to Tian-yuan Temple to give tours and pick up trash during the Cherry Blossom season. On the 15th, 16th, 22nd and 23rd students will be able to participate in these social services in order to have a better understanding of volunteer work. On the 7th students were given particular training for tourism and leadership skills. The founder of the accredited Student Service and Tour Group, Ting-yu Li, stated, “This is the first time we have done volunteer work for the Tian-yuan Temple. We had extra training so that we could make sure all of our activities would go smoothly when we begin to operate our official services.” In addition to services for the Tian-yuan Temple, the Butterfly Conservation Society of Taiwan will also assist in environmental services, the Tamsui Township will have an environmental cleaning event and Tiansheng Elementary school will be displaying a storytelling activity.
| 更新時間:2014-03-14
| 點閱:1097
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