學聲大代誌 2014-04-21

Tamkang University’s Reporter Summer Research Conference Takes Place

【Reported by An-jia Chen, Tamkang Times】The Tamkang University’s Reporter Summer Research Conference took place on the 14th and 15th on Taipei Campus. President Flora Chia-I Chang personally handed out training certificates to newly employed correspondents. The certification criteria assessed for accuracy, error, and bias. The Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan Kao praised the reporters for their effort, understanding and adoption of diversified media. He expressed that his desire was to watch the new members grow and mature into outstanding employees. He stated, “This career gives you an opportunity to share the beauty of the world with others.”

For the event, special correspondent and assistant professor of the Department of Mass Communication, Chao-liang Shen, shared his impression of the news along with his personal experience. He encouraged the students to do their best and never give up on their road to reporting truth. TVBS News reporter and host of the event, Zhi-shen Lin, taught the students about the crucial factors of writing articles and editorials. He also pointed out areas that Taiwan still needs to improve in comparison to the international community. For this event they also provided a digital application to show the new employees how to access the Tamkang Times reports easily and conveniently.

NO.903 | 更新時間:2014-04-21 | 點閱:1143 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2025-02-19 16:24:54
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