學校要聞 2014-04-21

10 Members From The Department of Architecture are Invited to Yilan Green Expo

Ten members of the Department of Architecture have been invited to the 2014 Yilan Green Industry Expo. For the event they have constructed 7 display halls, 6 plant areas, and a parking lot with decorations and academic products. Assistant Professor from the Architecture Department, Chen-cheng Chen, expressed, “The Department of Architecture really utilizes the digital age for visualization. Students are first able to design a clear construct of their idea and then begin the process of manufacturing. Not only does it help them realize their concepts, but it gives them needed practical experience for their career path. This event is certainly an opportunity for positive development.”

Chen-cheng Chen then followed up by saying, “Creating the outdoor areas will be a significant challenge.There are many variables that have to be factored in including, weather and durable materials.” (Article by Jing Zhuang, picture provided by Lao Li Mao)

NO.927 | 更新時間:2014-04-21 | 點閱:1069 | 下載:

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