學聲大代誌 2014-04-21

Over 300 People Join Together to Sing Island’s Sunrise

【Reported by Min-hua Wu, Tamkang Times 】On April 10th students of the Department of French, Ming-yan Liu, Yi-xuan Xie and Jia-ling Li established “Tamkang University’s Island’s Sunrise” choir event, that spontaneously attracted close to 300 people. The Island’s Sunrise is a Taiwanese song that was recently written to represent democracy in Taiwan. As the students began singing this song, many showed their support by singing along and holding up sunflowers that are a symbol of Taiwanese rights. Jia-ling Li stated, “We believe that many people at Tamkang University are focused on this issue, but they don’t have a place where they can assemble. We hoped that this event would give an opportunity so that everyone could gather and support Taiwan.” Second-year student from the Department of Information and Communication, Yu-an Chen, stated, “A half a year ago people were already focusing on this issue, but I never thought that it would escalate this quickly. This event gives everyone a chance to stand up for what they believe in.”

NO.927 | 更新時間:2014-04-21 | 點閱:1021 | 下載:

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