學聲大代誌 2014-06-24

One Last Skate

For summer vacation the outside basketball court and volleyball court will be moved to the Five Tiger Hill Parking Area for the construction of the Shou Chien International Conference Center. President of the Ice Skating Group and third year student of the Department of Insurance, Xuan-Hua Xu, stated, “When I first heard this news I was really eager to fight with the school about this issue. I didn’t want them to get rid of a 40 year old monument. The members of the ice skating rink are a big family.” (Article written by Ying-tian Fan/ Picture taken by Guo-en Huang)

NO.936 | 更新時間:2014-06-24 | 點閱:1152 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-07-26 17:51:40
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