學校要聞 2014-11-10

TKU’s 64th Anniversary In November 8th is Decorated with Great Events

【Reported by Yi-ling Huang, Yu-xun Li, Tamkang Times】The 64th Anniversary of Tamkang University comes with an arrangement of different exciting events and activities. The Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center and the Office of General Affairs are promoting the Youren Yu and Famous Artists Calligraphy Exhibit, taking place on November 4th, also celebrating the 50th anniversary of Youren Yu’s passing.

Many works were brought to the exhibition provided by the Republic of China’s Calligraphy Association and Shaanxi’s Youren Yu Calligraphy Association, totalling artwork from 99 excellent artists. The official opening ceremony for the display will take place on November 10th.

In addition the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center also held the Shepard’s Song performance, which included alumni bands: Cheshire Cats, Quiet Quartet and Hana Hsu. A member of the bands, Hua-min Shou, stated, “Tamkang University is the source of a lot of traditional music. I hope that it can be passed along for future generations.”

NO.945 | 更新時間:2014-11-11 | 點閱:965 | 下載:

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