學校要聞 2014-11-18

TKU Celebrates its 64th Birthday

【Reported by Ying-tian Fan, Tamkang Times】On November 8th, Tamkang University celebrated its 64th anniversary on the 7th floor in the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium. In attendance was President Flora Chia-I Chang, Chairman Hong-shang Hong and Ching-nan Chen, Supervisor Mei-lan Wang, and former university Presidents Yea-hong Chen, Louis R. Chow, Yun-shan Lin and Honrg-jinh Chang. During the celebration, the 28th Golden Eagle was awarded to Ye-cheng Mai, Shi-an Cheng, Shi-fang Liu, and Zhi-ming Lin.

President Chang began her welcoming address by expressing gratitude for the diligence of the 240,000 alumni over a 64 year period. She stated, “Due to the alumni’s tireless efforts in development, academics, research, guidance and professional services, Tamkang University has earned a respected place in the public eye. The university has received international safety certification from WHO, has been honored with the Enterprise Environmental Protection Award, received the EPA Environmental Protection Award three times, has been ranked in the top 500 universities in the world by Ranking Web of World Universities and listed as favorite private university graduates for employment by Cheers Magazine for 17 years.” President Chang then expressed her gratitude in operations of development including the advanced high school program, academic industrial projects and campus renovations.

President of the Tamkang University Worldwide Federation of Alumni Association, Dr. Loo Soon, pointed out that TKU’s success is derived from the continual efforts to coordinate and plan as in the 2014 TKU Alumni Association Meeting that took place in Vancouver, Canada. He stated, “I’ve been handling affairs for TKU Alumni for over 50 years and I’m always proud to call myself an alumni of this university. In our last alumni meeting in Vancouver we had 200 TKU alumni come together from different parts of the world. What could be a better indication of international progress?”

Afterwards the 64th Anniversary Homecoming Day Banquet took place, allowing the alumni time to catch up and socialize. Plans for the unveil of the Shou Chien International Conference Center were also discussed, which will provide various new activities and countless opportunities for future development. Other events taking place for the 64th Anniversary of TKU include the Lanyang Campus anniversary and the Carrie Chang Art Center’s Youren Yu Art Exhibition.

NO.946 | 更新時間:2014-11-25 | 點閱:993 | 下載:

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