學聲大代誌 2014-12-09

Thanksgiving Celebration at TKU

【Reported by Ya-xuan Ji, Min-hua Wu, Tamkang Times】Once again it’s that time of year, and the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving has taken place on campus. On November 27th at noon, members of the Graduate Institute of the Americas gathered together in the Student Activity Center to celebrate and show thanksgiving for the American holiday. There were over 400 people in attendance, including President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, who welcomed the students in the festivities. Director of the Graduate Institute of the Americas, Hsiao-chuan Chen, expressed, “It is always exciting to have this celebration with students in this program. It’s very unique to have this event in Taiwan.” First-year student of the Graduate Institute of the Americas, Guan Hua Lu, stated, “There is a lot of food and it’s all really delicious.”

Another first-year student, Yuan-yong Li, expressed, “I thought it would be very difficult to find a gathering like this in Taiwan, but I’m very pleased to be able to celebrate my traditions here. I’m grateful for everyone’s hard work to put this event together.” Everyone expressed their thanks in an atmosphere that was magically lit with food and performances. Director of the Department of English Language, Chen-hsing Tsai, expressed, “Thank you to all of the teachers for putting together this wonderful program and thanks to the students for being students of excellence.”

NO.949 | 更新時間:2014-12-09 | 點閱:888 | 下載:

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