學校要聞 2015-01-12

TKU Receives Recognition for Excellent Laboratory Safety and Hygiene.

【Reported by Li-xuan Li, Tamkang Times】Tamkang University has recently participated in the Ministry of Education’s, “Excellence in Laboratory Safety and Health of Academic Institutions,” evaluation and received first place. Dean of General Affairs and Director of the Center for Environmental Protection, Safety and Health, Shiaw-shyan, expressed, “TKU has worked actively and gone through careful scrutiny in creating a safe environment on campus. With the resources of MOE we’ve received OHSAS18001 and ISO14064-1 certifications of environmental safety management. It’s taken a lot of manpower to implement a safe environment on campus. We’ve adopted the principle of P.D.C.A., which is plan, do, check and act.”

On January 7th the Ministry of Education will hold a environmental safety conference as well as the award ceremony for the Excellence in Laboratory Safety and Health of Academic Institutions. Director of Campus Security, Jui-kuang Tseng, will receive the award on behalf of TKU. He stated, “I’m happy that we were able to stand out amongst 19 participating institutions. We’ve put in a lot of effort to create safety in the laboratory, making more than 170 modifications in the last three years.”

NO.954 | 更新時間:2015-01-12 | 點閱:1051 | 下載:

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