學校要聞 2015-03-06

The Year of the Ram Faculty Celebration is a Hit

【Reported by Yu-xuan Zhou, Tamkang Times】The Office of Research and Development and the Office of Financial Affairs jointly held the 2015 TKU Faculty New Years Assembly in the Student Activity Center on February 6th (Friday). Dean of Research and Development, Der-wen Chang, and Dean of the Office of Financial Affairs, Jui-chih Chen, expressed their wishes and appreciation as the TKU faculty gathered for the last day of work before new year’s vacation. The celebration was filled with videos, performances and awards of all kinds to university members for their outstanding performance. Everyone was thrilled to kick back as they enjoyed a day with their co-workers and welcomed the new year.

The event began with President Flora Chia-I Chang giving an opening address. She mentioned the many achievements of the previous year including the academic industry internship agreement signed with 200 enterprises. the allocation of research grants to professors of 28,000,000 NT, TKU’s tenth victory in the Robot Soccer League, recognition by the Ministry of Education for unique quality education, services in sustaining reduction of carbon waste, the renovation of student dorms, the development of the international youth leaders program and new innovative study methods. “My hope is that we can all build a beautiful future together.” President Chang said in closing.

In following awards were presented including the 9th Annual Tamkang Quality Award, Outstanding Research and Planning Award, Excellent Evaluation Award, Excellent Instruction Award, Employee Resources and Services Award and Outstanding Professor Assistance Award. After awards were presented to faculty members, event organizer, Jui-chih Chen, expressed that the students of TKU were spreading the university’s study concept of simplicity, truthfulness, firmness and perseverance all over the globe. He mentioned that the performances were designed to outline the progress of the university over the past 10 years in an exciting and artistic fashion. The performances included skits, dances and song routines that entertained the audience with the personality of the university combined with the beauty of Taiwanese heritage.

NO.956 | 更新時間:2015-03-06 | 點閱:970 | 下載:

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