學校要聞 2015-05-05

Nicaraguan Ambassador Comes to TKU

The Graduate Institute of the Americas invited ambassador of Nicaragua, William M. Tapia (front row third on the right), to give a lecture focusing on the analysis of Nicaragua’s current state. On April 17th in T306, he shared the film, “What is Nicaragua Doing Now?” The film focused on medical advances and also let people take a deeper look into the lifestyle of Nicaraguan people. Director of the Graduate Institute of the Americas, Hsiao Chuan Chen (front row fourth on the right), expressed, “Tamkang University has a long history with their Latin American educational program and we also share many academic exchanges in the region of Latin America. Being able to have the Ambassador of Nicaragua share more details is truly a special treat for us and an excellent opportunity to expand our thinking on an international level.” (Article Yi-ting Li/ Photographed by Jin-yu Cai)

NO.963 | 更新時間:2015-05-05 | 點閱:907 | 下載:

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