學校要聞 2015-05-08

The Chemistry Mobile Reaches New Platforms to Promote Science

【Jia-lin He, Tamsui Campus Report】Tamkang University’s Chemistry Mobile cooperated with the Ministry of Science and Technology and officials of the New Taipei City government to promote the New 5 North Stars of Science online on April 28th. The educational event took place at Jhongsiao Junior High School and was broadcasted to 27 different academic institutions attracting thousands of student viewers. The event was organized by Counselor of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ya-wen Kung, Dean of the College of Science, Bo-chang Wang, Principal of Jhongsiao Junior High, Yu-ying Yu, Director of Merck Millipore, Zi-hong Liao and Executive Director of Pop. Sci. Flyers, Qi-wen Zhou. For the opening of the event participants were divided into groups of yellow, green, red and blue to symbolize happiness, spring, passion and knowledge.

Wang-bo Chang stated, “Using cloud technology to carry out scientific experiments is a new breakthrough. It will really be a new and exciting way to organize material while showing people at home different scientific issues such as water usage.” The objective of the Chemistry Mobile in this experiment was to test the harness of the water at Zhongsiao Junior High. (Picture provided by Xuan-zhang Gao)

NO.964 | 更新時間:2015-05-08 | 點閱:736 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-29 10:30:42
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