新聞萬花筒 2015-06-01

3rd Conference of Higher Education Research Association at TKU

【Ya-han Cao, Tamsui Campus Report 】The College of Education and the Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Leadership held the “The 3rd Conference of Higher Education Research Association- Contemporary Higher Education Policy and Finance in East Asia” on May 21st and 22nd in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. Special guests included Professor of the Department of International Higher Learning from the University of London, Simon Marginson, and President of Kurashiki Sakuyo, Akira Arimoto.

The two-day conference invited 23 educators from England, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China to present 24 dissertations pertaining to the subject of higher learning and current global challenges. The conference began with President Flora Chia-I Chang giving an opening address welcoming the guests, followed by a thrilling dance performance. President Chang stated, “Higher education is faced with many different challenges in a world that is rapidly changing. Taiwan is dealing with the effects of the baby bust and an aging generation. Student enrollment is down by 50,000 and in thirteen years student reduction could be as low as 160,000. What are the best steps in policy and the allocation of resources to meet with these challenges?”

Dean of the College Education, Dian-fu Chang, expressed, “The previous conferences of Higher Education Research Association were held in Japan and Korea. One of our greatest objectives at this university is implementing a fully internationally-oriented education system and it is truly an honor to be able to hold this year’s conference here. This is a great opportunity for educators to have an international exchange as well as graduate students who can absorb valuable information from observation.”

NO.967 | 更新時間:2015-06-01 | 點閱:969 | 下載:

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