學校要聞 2015-06-22

The Library’s New Look is Fantastic

【Yu-xuan Li, Tamsui Campus Report】If you have been to the Chueh-sheng library in recent days, your path was probably blocked by many of renovations projects taking place. On June 10th the renovation was completed and students and teachers can now savor the new style of the library that has created a relaxing a beautiful atmosphere for study. The windows, colors, symbols and different fabrics in the newly modeled hallways raise the quality of the environment. President Flora Chia-I Chang hosted a tea party, celebrating the library’s new make over.

Director of the Library, Sheue-fang Song, stated, This library has been established for about 20 years and it is important to keep everything updated along with the development of university services. The highlight of this renovation is the 24-hour study room that everyone can take advantage of.” Frequent library visitor and third year student of the Department of Statistics, Ya-ting Xie, stated, “The hallways are filled with poetry and there are areas with English, numbers and thought provoking ideas that really stimulate the mind.” Curious about some of the symbols, Ya-ting Xie inquired with the Head of Acquisitions and Cataloguing, Bih-ling Fang, who stated, “The Coded Walls were put together by the designers to hold assorted logical texts and information from the books. This is very unique and helpful for both learning and grasping an understanding of what the library holds.”

Director of the Circulation Services Section, Chiu-hsia Shih, stated, “The traditional study rooms have a very quiet and serious atmosphere that students can use to study without distraction. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. Yet we also have the All Pass event where students can really interact with each other and share experiences along with snacks or candy. It should create a positive social and academic atmosphere.”

NO.970 | 更新時間:2015-06-22 | 點閱:881 | 下載:

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