學校要聞 2015-10-02

The Student Club Welcome Party Rocked

【Kai-jun Lin, Zhao-yu Lin, Dai-yi Chen, Huan Du, Zi-cheng Wang, Hong-wei Lu, Tamsui Campus Report】On Sept. 21 lots of student clubs began a great program welcoming all of their new team members. The event was filled with thrills and loud cheers as each performance escalated the level of excitement. The fire dancers ignited the first day of the event. “I don’t know anything about fire dancing, but now I really want to learn.” said Ting-yu Huang, second-year student of the Department of Transportation Management.

On Sept. 22 there were nearly a hundred people in attendance as 8 student groups collaborated in a smorgasbord of art. Third-year student of the Department of Spanish, Yu-ping Zai, expressed, “It’s my hope to display the uniqueness of each of the student groups.” First-year student of the Department of Business Management, Yi-hua Wu, said happily, “It’s great to see all of my seniors putting together such a great performance. It really makes me excited as I anticipate working with my new group.”

On Sept. 23 the Dance Club held the 45th Red vs. White sports scrimmage. There were eight teams performing different styles of dance along with a performance from the Beat Box club. The entire gym was electrified as each team put on a grand show. Third year student of the Department of German, Jia-ming Zhang, expressed, “It’s my hope to really put on a good dance performance to spark the new students’ motivation.” On the 24th the new student club members had an interactive discussion to seal the deal on their official welcoming party.

NO.975 | 更新時間:2015-10-02 | 點閱:1249 | 下載:

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