學校要聞 2015-11-06

Harvard Professor Jay Rubin Speaks on Murakamiharuki Literature

【Shao-qi Zhang, Tamsui Campus Report 】The Center for Murakamiharuki Studies in Tamkang University (CMSTKU) held its first year anniversary on Oct. 30 and invited famous translator of Murakamiharuk and current Professor at Havard University, Jay Rubin, to give a lecture in Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. In addition to special guests such as Director of Interchange Association Japan, Takesako Kazumi, and Chairman of the Association of Japanese Language Education in Taiwan HP, Jiin-Chiueh Lai, there was a total of nearly 200 participants.

Firstly, the Director of the CMSTKU, Chiu-kuei Tseng, expressed his appreciation to Jay Rubin for both his and his wife’s support. Takesako Kazumi also expressed his gratitude to the CMSTKU for their continual research and promotion related to Japanese literature. Jay Rubin’s presentation was themed after the novel, “The Sun Gods.” He shared his professional experience in translation and literature mentioning the first time he came in contact with Murakamiharuki Studies was via film in 1991, “The Second Bakery Attack. He stated, “I really respected the work of the film because it let you feel what was happening in the main character’s mind.”

The audience was enthralled as they were able to continue learning and absorbing information through a Q and A follow up. First-year graduate student of the Department of Japanese Language, Chuan-lan Zuo, expressed, “I really love Murakamiharuki’s works and hearing a westerner’s perspective is very exciting and new.”

NO.980 | 更新時間:2015-11-06 | 點閱:888 | 下載:

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