學校要聞 2015-11-16

TKU Has Productive Visit in Japan

President Flora Chia-I Chang and Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, participated in a fruitful expedition to Japan. On Oct. 31 they travelled to sister school, Josai University, for its 50th anniversary celebration. President Chang was greeted by Director of the Board of Trustees, Mizuta Noriko and Josai University President, Marimoto, Yasunori.

On Nov. 1 President Chang went to Tokyo to participate in the university’s “International University Forum,” which discusses the trends in the modern world of higher learning. In the afternoon, the TKU representatives travelled to another sister school in Japan, Josai International University, and met with President Yanagisawa Hakuo for an exchange. They visited and encouraged exchange students. In the end, President Chang accepted an interview on the university’s television station, where she mentioned her wishes to have more opportunities for university cooperation in the future.

NO.981 | 更新時間:2015-11-16 | 點閱:917 | 下載:

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