學校要聞 2015-12-31

Ready, Set, 66th TKU Anniversary!

【Tamkang TImes】In order to make the 66th anniversary of Tamkang University a special one, the Event Preparatory Committee held a conference in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. Lanyang and Taipei Campus attended the meeting via video conference. The Event Preparatory Committee Director and President of the University, Flora Chia-I Chang was in attendance and invited Director of the Tamkang University Worldwide Federation, Dr. Loo Soon, Director of the TKU Alumni Association, Ding-chuan Chen and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TKU Retiree Alumni Association, Yun-shan Lin.

Ding-chuan Chen expressed his gratitude to the university for their effort to make the 66th university celebration abundant with activities. He also offered suggestions and ideas to make the event even more spectacular. President Chang followed by expressing her appreciation to all of the alumni for their great effort over the years in supporting the university. The conference laid out a plan for the celebratory event that will consist of academic events, book series, international exchanges, student groups, sports, arts, public relations and alumni activities.

NO.988 | 更新時間:2015-12-31 | 點閱:1064 | 下載:

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