學校要聞 2015-12-31

Japanese Students Visit TKU for Exchange

【Yi-feng Lu, Tamsui Campus Report】From Dec. 22-24 the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies brought a group of 10 students for an exchange with TKU’s Department of Japanese. The cultural exchange activity attracted 23 students and emphasized the discussion of culture and customs. The students were glued to their seats as they listened about the mysterious and beautiful details of Japanese culture. The course was an introduction of customs such as how cards were made for the New Year’s, traditional rice cake, porcelain dolls, spring cherry blossoms, fireworks and other customs. A video was shown to display the traditional temples and Japanese Awa dance. One of the guest students expressed, “Japan has many wonderful ceremonies and unique cultural characteristics. I recommend that students go there to participate if they get the chance.”

NO.988 | 更新時間:2015-12-31 | 點閱:883 | 下載:

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