學校要聞 2016-03-17

Xian University Students Come to TKU for Exchange

【Wan-xuan Qin, Tamsui Campus Report】Last week students from Xian University of Architecture and Technology arrived to Tamkang University for a forum to initiate exchange programs. Associate Professor of Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Qian-xi Zhang, brought 9 students from Mar. 2-8 to meet with 6 students of TKU’s Department of Architecture to discuss “Co-Living.” For the event, Head Architect of the Yun-lin County government, Zhi-kai Xu, was invited to share his experience.

The students discussed issues regarding urbanization and the aging population. After they were able to get involved in an open discussion, they were given professional data about the matters. Then they were able to practice creative problem solving ideas. In June the students of the Department of Architecture will travel to Xian University of Architecture and Technology to complete the project.

Nagasaki University Creates Travel Products with TKU

【Shao-qi Zhang, Yi-feng Lu, Tamsui Campus Report】

On Feb. 28 President of Nagasaki University, Takayuki Miyanishi, came to Tamkang University, bringing two students to undergo a two-week workshop emphasizing Environmental Green Energy and Art; Cultural Diversity and the Global Community; Social Changes and Social Education; Global Warming Policies and Forest Ecosystem; and Protection of Trees. They will have an opportunity to get an in depth understanding of Taiwanese heritage as they are scheduled to visit with 13 different museums and historical sites, starting with Red Fur City.

In addition, 23 students of the Kinjo Gakuin University of Japan arrived to Tamkang University on Feb. 24 for a time period of 8 days with a proposal of creating travel-related products. They travelled to the northern region of Taipei as a focal point of their research and later held a display on Mar. 2 for the Department of Japanese. The students of the department then assisted the honored guests by introducing five related travel topics: University Freedoms, Taiwan Cuisine, Mother/Daughter Travel in Taiwan, Excellent Travel Photos and First Time Travelers to Taiwan. One student of Kinjo Gakuin University expressed, “This is my second time in Taiwan, but it all feels brand new. Now I have a better understanding and appreciation for everything.”

NO.994 | 更新時間:2016-03-17 | 點閱:698 | 下載:

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