學校要聞 2016-04-21

Li-chou Gao Scholarship Awarded to 10 Singaporean Students

Alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering, Xin-ping Gao, founded the Li-chou Gao Scholarship to honor his mother’s name while giving opportunities to students in need. On Mar. 30 the annual ceremony of presenting the scholarship was held by Chairman of the Sande Charitable Foundation, Qian-yuan Gao, who awarded 10 students from Singapore with the Li-chou Gao Scholarship and 2 students of the Department of Civil Engineering with the Sande Scholarship. The Sande Charitable Foundation has awarded a total of 14,850,000 NT to assist nearly 300 students.

In attendance to show their support at the prestigious event was Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, Dean of the College of Science, Zi-cong Zhou, Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hsiao-chuan Chen and Dean of the College of Global Development, Ay-hwa Andy Liou. (Article Written by Kai-jun Lin/ Photographed by Jun-ting Lin)

NO.998 | 更新時間:2016-04-21 | 點閱:739 | 下載:

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