學校要聞 2016-04-21

New Blood at Tamkang TImes

【Kai-jun Lin, Tamsui Campus Report】Last month Tamkang Times received 24 new employees for writing, correspondence, recording, photography and filming. From Apr. 29 to 31 they attended a preparatory training workshop in the Communication Hall and the Gymnasium. Director of Tamkang Times, Yu-pei Ma, encouraged the new reporters to go deep into their studies of correspondence while also inspiring older members to raise the level of quality of the paper and then invited everyone to the tea party celebrating Tamkang Times’ 1000th article. The training workshop consisted of 4 editors introducing the workload, awarding regulations, special speaking skills as well as the main points of news interviews and writing. New member and first-year student of the Department of Chinese, Miao-ru Jian, expressed, “I feel that the workshop has really helped me get familiar with the job. Even though everything is very new to me, I look forward to being very experienced and skilled at this job.

NO.998 | 更新時間:2016-04-21 | 點閱:571 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-07-26 17:51:40
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