學校要聞 2016-05-12

The Science of Oil

【Li-quan Zhang, Tamsui Campus Report】Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Yau-hung Chen, ran an experiment conducted by the Center for Science Education at Zhong Zheng Junior High School with an estimated 1,500 participants. With the assistance of alumni of the department, Hsien-chang Kao, they lead a group of 14 students to participate in the event that included 15 different schools, running experiments on the negative and positive properties of oil and grease in regards of its acidic level.

Director of the Office of Research, Bo-chang Wang,expressed, “This experiment helped us to learn, study and research a surplus of data related to the properties of oil. We were really blessed with a lot of new knowledge that I’m certain that will lead to great developments in the future.” The food and vegetable oils were collected from campuses and nearby locations and special paper was used to measure the level of acidity. Hsien-chang Kao expressed, “It’s our hope that this experiment will give students a better understanding of many of the food products in their daily life. What they discover will inspire more research and thought about our environment that exceeds a surface level understanding.”

NO.1001 | 更新時間:2016-05-12 | 點閱:531 | 下載:

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