【Wan-xuan Qin, Tamsui Campus Report】A tea party was held in celebration of Tamkang Times’ 1000th edition! In attendance was President Flora Chia-I Chang, Vice President of Administration, Yi-jen Hu, Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, former university president and publisher of Tamkang Times, Horng-jinh Chang, former Director of Tamkang Times, Hui-nan Huang, Director of ET Today, Or Tsai, committee member of legislation, Chi-hen Ko and Chairman of ezTravel, Fu-yen Chen and 120 honored guests.
To begin the festivities, President Chang mentioned in her opening speech, “Tamkang Times is more than just a campus paper. It is news that has established a network both on and off campus.” She followed by confirming the value of the paper in both terms of personnel and provided insight. She then thanked all of the members of the paper for their great contribution and effort over the years. Vice President Hu expressed, “Seeing so many faces here tonight is a confirmation of the newspapers success in resources. Not only is it important for the teachers and students, but alumni also enjoy each new edition, keeping up with recent events.”