學校要聞 2016-05-26

Great Exchanges and Discussions from Overseas

【Shi-xun Zhao, Shu-han Zhang, Li-quan Zhang】Liaoning University’s Committee Secretary, Hao-po Zhou, Director of the Office of Academics, Li-xin Xia, Dean of the College of Broadcasting and Film, Zhong-yin Geng, Deputy Dean of the College of News and Mass Communication, Li-hong Cheng as well as Director of the United Front and the Office for Macao, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Yan Tong, came to Tamkang University for a visit on May 10. Representatives of both universities related to mass communications education had a very productive exchange. Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, made introductions on both sides.

President Flora Chia-I Chang expressed, “Our two institutions already have much in common, being that we both have around 30,000 students and have had great success departments related to mass communication education. It’s my hope that through this exchange we will be able to further strengthen our ties.” Hao-po Zhou expressed, “Tamkang University’s prestigious reputation in educational media has left a great impression on us. We do have many similarities and it’s our hope to be able to create a great learning environment just as you have.”

On May 11 representatives from 5 sister schools of Japan came for a visit to Tamkang University including Vice President of Hosei University, Fukuda Yoshiro, Vice President of Asia University- Japan, Masakatsu Oshima, Vice President of Aoyama Gakuin University, Oshimura Takashi,Vice President of Meiji University, Kosaku Dairokuno and Vice President of Ryukoko University, Ikeda Tsutomu, to discuss TKU’s international development program. They were met with President Flora Chia-I Chang, Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai and Director of the Office of International and Cross Strait Affairs, Pei-wha Chilee, as they had a productive exchange.

On May 9 the Secretary General of the Association of Private Universities of Japan, Hidebumi Koide, met with Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, to discuss the process of becoming sister schools. Wan-chin Tai expressed, “Our schools have interacted for a long time, I’m glad to be able to welcome Hidebumi Koide.”

NO.1003 | 更新時間:2016-05-26 | 點閱:667 | 下載:

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