學校要聞 2016-05-26

11th International Society for Akutagawa Studies Forum Held at TKU

【Hui-ping Liu, Jin-yu Cai, Tamsui Campus Report】The Department of Japanese and the International Society for Akutagawa Studies Association held the “11th International Society for Akutagawa Studies Forum” at Ching-sheng International Conference Hall on May 6 and 7. President Flora Chia-I Chang expressed in her opening statement, “It’s an honor for Tamkang University to be able to hold this event. Not only is it great for the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, but we also have many sisters schools in Japan with close relationships. I look forward to making exciting new developments in this exchange.”

The Director of International Society for Akutagawa Studies, Miyasaka Satoru, expressed, “For this forum we will be comparing the works of Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Murakami Haruki. We will also be discussing Tamkang University’s unique Center for Murakami Haruki Studies (CMSTKU). Professor of the Department of Japanese and Director of the CMSTKU, Chiu-kuei Tseng, gave a lecture titled, “Taiwan’s Perspective of Murakami Haruki Studies.” In addition, on May 7 a conference was held regarding “Akutagawa Studies and Chinese Relations” and 10 research dissertations were handed out.

NO.1003 | 更新時間:2016-05-26 | 點閱:663 | 下載:

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