學校要聞 2016-06-13

Fat Pounds for Flight Information

【Hong-wei Lu, Tamsui Campus Report】Team "Fat Pounds” made up by third-year students of the Department of Information Engineering, Yi-jun Chen, Yan-ru Huang and Jun-long Lin participated in the 2nd Annual International Integrated Systems’ programs competition and won first place among 20 teams of private universities from all over the nation, winning 100,000NT. The theme of this year’s competition was traffic bots, focusing on public transportation services. Jun-long Lin described, “In order to make travel to the airport more convenient, we researched the “Line Bot.” Just input the number of your flight and it will give you the smoothest route to your destination with helpful information. I’m grateful to my teachers for their assistance and patience in this project.”

NO.1005 | 更新時間:2016-06-13 | 點閱:626 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-10-05 12:31:52
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