【Wan-xuan Qin, Tamsui Campus Report】On May 2 on the 4th floor in the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium the “Sports Team Representative Graduation Tea Party” took place with around 80 players and coaches in attendance. Director of the Office of Physical Education, Shu-feng Hsiao, expressed, “No matter how many years the players have participated in these events, I’m always grateful to have them turn out for another competition. I’m certain that whether these representatives win or lose, they will give their best effort and that is always a victory.”
After expressing best wishes to the competitors, the coaches and representatives received medals for their performance. The fencing team received 5 gold, 2 silver and 5 bronze medals. One of the graduating students, Ying-qin Li, expressed, “After taking undergraduate courses for 3 years and graduate courses for 2 years, I’ve made a lot of memories on the fencing team. I hope I’m able to return here often for a visit.”
| 更新時間:2016-06-16
| 點閱:694
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