趨勢巨流河 2018-12-24




1.Any such action would have to be approved by _American and Saudi leaders.

(A) both (B) each (C) for (D) of

2.It was imperative that he_as naturally as possible.

(A) acts (B) will act (C ) acted (D) act

3.The company is in bankruptcy proceedings_the wake of a strike that began last spring.

(A) in (B) at (C) for (D) with

4.Please_Natalie e-mail me your views to sport@times.co.uk.

(A) keep (B) have (C) cater (D) cause

5.As our clients, we strive to make sure you_with the highest in hospitality.

(A) treat (B) is treated (C) are treating (D) are treated

6.She's out of the office_a few days next week.

(A) during (B) within (C) for (D) at

7.Although her sunglass was at the restaurant during the entire drive home, it was not until she arrived at the house_she remembered leaving it there.

(A) did (B) that (C) when (D) where

8.It’s an excellent and inexpensive hotel,_they offer pick-up service.

(A) so (B) and (C) for (D) but

9.If you go to the airline’s website, you_airline route maps to show you where their planes travel every day.

(A) will find (B) found (C) finding (D) to find

NO.1079 | 更新時間:2018-12-24 | 點閱:1293 | 下載:

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