趨勢巨流河 2020-11-22



1. Photographic images will be accepted but will not be _____ a replacement to X-rays.

(A) considering (B) considered (C) allowing

(D) allowed

2. Over the last five years, construction costs _____ up across the entire country.

(A) ticked (B) were ticked (C) have been ticking (D) had been ticked

3. The manager is replacing Mr. Harper, who _____ last week, and will focus on gaining market share across the regions in the coming months.

(A) retired (B) was retiring (C) retires (D) had retired

4. By the time the cancer was detected it _____ to Noah’s spine.

(A) has spread (B) was spreading (C) was spread (D) had spread

5. Starting next week, First Baptist Church _____ free lunch for kids & teens up to 18 years old.

(A) will have provided (B) will be providing

(C) is providing (D) has provided


1.【答案】(B),主動句型:主詞 + consider + 受詞 + 受詞補語。被動句型:原受詞 + be considered + 原受詞補語。人 be allowed to + 原V。

2. 【答案】(C),over the last five years 是指「過去這五年以來」是維持一段時間的概念,所以搭配現在完成(進行)式。

3. 【答案】(A),last week是時間線索,上週退休,所以要用過去式。

4. 【答案】(D),by the time (等到~的時候)搭配完成式,the cancer was detected是過去式,所以空格要填過去完成式。

5. 【答案】(B),starting next week 表示未來的具體日程,在未來特定的時間,已經決定好的具體計畫,要使用未來進行式。

NO.1114 B | 更新時間:2020-11-22 | 點閱:662 | 下載:

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  • 管理者:潘劭愷 / 建置單位:淡江大學資訊處
  • 更新日期:2024-10-05 12:31:52
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